Yves Landu has a unique background, being a breakdancer for 12 years before transitioning over to combat sports, joining wrestling at 19 and MMA at 25. The Snake Team product competes for the 30th time tonight, coming in with 20 victories with 10 finishes. Landu enters tonight on a four-fight win streak and with a 5-1 Bellator record. He most recently fought at Bellator 301, scoring a split decision win over Isao Kobayashi.


A striking specialist, Jonas Bilharinho has turned heads with his performances and knockout power in the MMA world. A former regional champion at both bantamweight and featherweight, Biharinho has won four of his last five fights and with nine knockouts in his 11 career victories. Bilharinho, who makes his Bellator debut here tonight, last fought in January 2023, scoring a second-round knockout via body kick over Caio Machado.


Can one of these two finishers score another win before the final bell in this one?



Round 1


Bilharinho with a round kick. Spinning back kick attempt from Bilharinho sees Landu counter with a perfectly timed takedown. Landu gets into side control as the crowd chants for him. Bilharinho tries to scramble, but Landu continues to keep him down. Bilharinho looks for an Americana from the bottom, but Landu returns the action to the feet, keeping Bilharinho against the fence.


Shoulder strike from Landu. Elbow to the back by Bilharinho. A scramble sees Landu on top, but he has to get through a triangle attempt by Bilharinho. Strong strikes from up top by Landu. Bilharinho gets back to his feet, with the two of them against the fence. Landu controlled the leg of Bilharinho and maintained a grip of Bilharinho’s waist. Strong knee to the midsection by Landu before Bilharinho reverses position. Landu drops Bilharinho with a big knee to the body and he flurries from the top! Bilharinho trying to use his legs to keep Landu at bay. Landu looks to force the action back to the feet, and he finally gets his wish with about 15 seconds left. Bilharinho looks to chase Landu down but can’t get anything, including a spinning back kick attempt.



Round 2


Right hand from Landu. Round kick from Bilharinho. Landu throws and misses a front kick to the body. Low kick from Bilharinho. Bilharinho feints with a left hand. Right hand by Landu. Front kick by Bilharinho, but Landu answers with a takedown. The fight goes back to the feet, with the two jockeying for position against the fence. Bilharinho gets a body lock and scores his own takedown of Landu.


Bilharinho now on the back of Landu. Landu fighting off Bilharinho’s wrists. Back elbow by Landu. Bilharinho with a mat return. Landu quickly gets back to his feet, but Bilharinho continues to have a hold of him. Landu scores his own takedown, and he’s looking for an armbar. Bilharinho trying to defend. Landu lands a few punches to the head of Bilharinho. Bilharinho resists and defends well, and he’s able to slip his arm free and get back standing with seconds left. Kip up by Landu!




Round 3


Big spinning back kick attempt from Landu. Front kick from Landu. Landu looks for a takedown but can’t get it. Round kick by Bilharinho. Landu misses a big right overhand. Right hook misses for Landu. Low kick misses for Bilharinho. Low kick from Bilharinho. Front kick from Bilharinho does not connect. Landu slips. Landu level changes. Bilharinho lands a knee, but Landu gets the takedown. Bilharinho is able to get back to his feet. Landu presses Bilharinho against the fence and the fight quickly returns to the mat.


Landu has a hold of Bilharinho’s back with the two of them against the fence, but Landu gets the fight to the mat once more. Bilharinho gets the fight back to the feet, with his back still against the fence. The two separate with about 90 seconds left. Right hand from Landu. Spinning back kick to the midsection by Bilharinho. Bilharinho tries to chase Landu down, but Landu is smart with keeping his distance. Low kick from Bilharinho. Bilharinho misses an uppercut to the midsection. Another spinning back kick from Bilharinho. Front kick by Landu to the body. Low kick by Bilharinho. Landu stays on his back foot until the final bell.





Yves Landu defeats Jonas Bilharinho by Split Decision (29-28, 28-29, 30-27) in a featherweight bout